Simple Egg Recipes

Scrambled Egg
Egg can do a lot in our body. It has lutein that's great to our eyes to prevent macular degeneration. The same nutrient we get from egg helps lower the risk of cataract. According to scientific studies, an egg has 6 grams of quality protein and 6 essential amino acids. One egg yolk has about 300 micrograms of choline which helps in regulating the brain, nervous system and cardio vascular system. Unlike what we used to hear that egg is not good to people with heart disease because regular eating of egg helps prevent blood clot, heart attacks and stroke because it contains a good fat and only 1.5 grams of saturated fat. Egg is also a good source of Vitamin D and they say that egg helps prevent breast canser.

We can do a hundred recipe for eggs. It can be mixed with other ingredients like hot dogs, ham, vegetables, potatoes and tomatoes. The most wide variety you can do is when you make it scrambled and you can make your own version of scrambled egg. Me, I always do experiment making egg recipes. Sometimes I made it full of veggies. I already tried egg with malunggay (moringa), egg with ampalaya (bitter gourd), egg with tomatoes, egg with potatoes, egg with camote (sweet potato), egg with sardines, egg with mayonnaise, egg with onion, and many more egg recipes. Egg easily adapts itself to any ingredients you mix with it. So you don't have to worry about the result of your cooking because it will surely a fine, delicious egg meal.
This recipe is a simple scrambled egg procedure. It is easy to prepare and very budget wise recipe.

4 pcs. beaten eggs
4 pcs. chopped tomatoes
2 cloves minced garlic
1 chopped onion
a pinch of iodized salt


-Saute garlic, onion and and tomato
-Add beaten eggs and season to taste

Sunny Side Up 
Sunny side up is  the easiest way to prepare egg. You don't need to follow step-by step procedure here. Simply heat oil on a pan, add the unbeaten eggs, lower down the heat, add a pinch of salt and cover for 3 minutes. You'll now have a sunny side up egg on your break fast.
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