Tinolang Manok Recipe

Today we will gonna cook Tinolang Manok. The good thing with this recipe is that it’s perfect for all meals of the day as it has soup and vegetables in it. Tinola is easy to prepare, it is a stew kind of dish wherein the chicken (manok) is cooked by sautéing the meat first and later-on adding veges and salt & pepper to taste. 

You can choose whether you like to use Papaya (unripe) or Sayote. But in our recipe and as an authentic ingredient, we will use Papaya. Let us start now collecting the ingredients and go to our main recipe.

Tinolang Manok Ingredients:
1 kilo chicken (cut into serving size, thigh part is best)
1 table spoon oil
1 large onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 table spoon ginger, peeled, cut into strips
2 green papayas (medium size), peeled, inside part removed, sliced
1 cup dahong sili (chili leaves)
1 cup water
2 medium sized green chilli
1 chicken cube, optional
1 tbs patis (fish sauce)
salt and pepper

Cooking Tinolang Manok Procedure: 
1. Heat oil on a sauce pan over medium heat.
2. Saute garlic, ginger and onion.
3. When onion turns transluscent, add the chicken pieces. Add salt, pepper to taste. Cook for about 15 minutes stirring occasionally. (Slow cooking is best)
4. Add water and patis. Bring to a boil. Lower down the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes, or until chicken is half done. You can add more water if it dries up.
5. Add the green papayas. Simmer for about 10-15 minutes or until the papayas are cooked.
6. Remove from heat. Add the dahong sili and chillis. Wait for about 5 minutes until the leaves are cooked.
7. Enjoy! Serve with white rice.
