Mahalabiya an Arabian Desert.

Mahalabiya is an Arabic desert. My wife cooked it on our first monthsary. We are far from eat other now, and she dedicated it to me. I am lucky to have sweet and loving wife like yearlie :) . She told me her recipe. Here is how she made it. This post is my dedication to her on our monthsary.

Ingredients for Mahalabiya :

6 cups water
2 cups milk powder
1 cup sugar
half cup corn starch
pinch of mistika powder
1/4th cup of rose water

Ingredients for orange mixture (for second layer) :

4 cups orange juice
1 cup water
4 table spoon cornstarch
half cup sugar
nuts for decoration (almonds, cashew nuts, pistachio etc)

Method to Prepare :

1: Combine water with milk powder, add starch and sugar in it.

2: Cook it on high heat until it boils around 15 minutes.

3: Add mistika powder and rose water. Mix it all well.

4: It will be done when all this mixture will be thick.

5: Then pour it into a serving mould. And put it in fridge for 30 minutes.

6: Now for orange mixture, cook all ingredients mixing it on high heat like our previous mixture until it becomes thick, now pour this mixture over our mahalabiya, and decorate it all with nuts and put in frdge to set.

7: Serve it cold.

Recipe by Yearlie Minosa (My sweet and loving wife)
