Wanna Know the Secret of a Super Mom?

Hello Mommies! How was the school year started for you and your kids? Well for me, it was so tiring! I still have a vacation hang-over and I'm still wishing it to be longer than ought to be, huh! But we moms can do everything for our kids right?  Our children are the source of our energy why we keep on moving. This is why we always find time to have a break and gain more energy to stay as a Super Hero Mom! Because we Moms are multitasking, we don't want to forget any single detail of our duty so we have to maintain our energy and mental alertness. Want to know my secret energy booster? Sssssshhhhh...! it's all about chocolates!

My Secret Energy Booster to be a Super Mom.

Who says that chocolates are made just for kids? I beg to dis-agree because chocolates are made for everyone! Want to guess what's beside  my laptop while writing this article? I won't wait for your answer guys, cause my writing companion is none other than Kit-Kat! Why Kit-Kat? because it keeps my mind and fingers going, it gives me energy to finish everything I started. I always have a break to take Kit-Kat, actually, I always take a bite every time I finished a paragraph. I don't know if it's just an intuition or self belief but I'm pretty much sure of it, Kit-Kat keeps me going, it boosts my energy. It's not only when writing a post, I also spend my waiting time with Kit-Kat; waiting for my kids out of the school gate or waiting for the food to be done...I always do it with Kit-Kat! For those mommies out there who are very health conscious, you don't have to worry about eating chocolates, don't be mislead by what others saying that it's bad for our health. In fact, studies shows that regular eating chocolates reduces the risk of heart attack for it has the power to reduce bad cholesterol and lower down blood pressure
(source: http://longevity.about.com/od/lifelongnutrition/p/chocolate.htm)

My Kids Love Kit-Kat so much!

The reasons why I learned about Kit-Kat are my children. My kids love wafer as well as they love chocolates. The good thing about Kit-Kat is it gives exactly what my children need, wafer and chocolates. Where ever my kids are: at the park, at school or at home, they always ask for their bar of Kit-Kat. Eversince they were toddlers, they've forgotten to live without Kit-Kat so I had to preserve enough on the fridge so they'll always have time to break with their favorite companion, and mine too! Kit-Kat forever!

Kit-Kat for Mental Alertness

Mommies, did you know that Kit-Kat can help your kids become alert all the time? Why I say so? because Kit-Kat has been my weapon against losing a contest. Everytime my kids join a contest especially the MTAP challenge (Math) I always make sure that I have bars of Kit-Kat in our food pack. I always give my kids a bar of Kit-Kat an hour before the competition. Taking Kit-kat will then keep their mind and body alert so they always finish the contest with flying colors. You can give any chocolates to your kids, but I suggest give something that's been trusted and has a name like Kit-Kat. Want to see the proof? Well, these medals are some of the result of their hard work but of course, with the help of Kit-Kat!
So Moms, for you to stay a multitask super mom and whenever your kids are craving for chocolates, break the rules! Have a break with  Kit-Kat!
